Six Sigma Black Belt Training - ITU Online Old Site

Six Sigma Black Belt Training

Join our Six Sigma Black Belt Training. Six Sigma is an analytical process that encourages organizations to take charge of their activities and use data-driven strategies to achieve significant progress. By controlling the inputs, companies can create reliable outputs and observe meaningful results from their processes.

Included In This Course

Included In This Course

Total Hours
22 Hrs 6 Min
Six Sigma Black Belt Training
50 On-demand Videos
Closed Caption

Closed Captions

Course Topics
24  Topics
Prep Questions
59 Prep Questions
Six Sigma Black Belt Training

Certificate of Completion

Course Description

Six Sigma Black Belt Training

What is Six Sigma? Six Sigma is a data-driven improvement philosophy that views all activities within an organization as processes whose inputs can be controlled to effect significant improvements in process outputs. Six Sigma uses a rigorous and systematic methodology known as DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) and several qualitative and quantitative tools for driving process, product, and service improvements aimed at reducing defects and variation. In this Six Sigma Black Belt training course, we explore each of these methodologies.

Companies across various industries are striving to become faster and more responsive to customers, achieve near-perfect quality, and operate using world-class cost structures to gain this competitive advantage, businesses are seeking out individuals with exceptional Six Sigma Black Belt experience.

Why does Six Sigma yield such impressive results?

What makes Black Belt Six Sigma so successful? To answer this question, our Six Sigma Black Belt training dives deeper into the framework of DMAIC – Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. This is a widely-used quality improvement methodology in Black Belt Six Sigma that helps businesses make better decisions and implement process improvement to yield lasting change.

Define Phase

The Define phase is almost identical to the popular corporate practice of recognizing frequent issues of a given business process, with the purpose being to devise practical solutions for tackling those problems. Just like an entrepreneur, Black Belts look to strengthen the delivery infrastructure of their business by closely examining all its key and minor aspects, a thorough review is necessary for improvement.

Measure Phase

When examining the define phase within lean Six Sigma, it becomes clear that the Measure phase is akin to a business owner’s evaluation of how an identified issue may detrimentally affect their company. For any entrepreneur (and Black Belt), this is critical, as it allows them to turn their attention to the areas that face the greatest risk of disruption. Only then can they begin overcoming these issues and paving a smoother path toward success.

Analyze Phase

The analysis stage is much like the entrepreneur’s attempt at examining all potential solutions and rigorously testing each one to find out which alternative will yield optimal results. This step allows Black Belts to come up with effective strategies for achieving their desired goal. As any successful entrepreneur would prefer, the Analyze phase dictates that only those alternatives with high potential and cost-efficiency be selected for implementation.

Improve Phase

Just as the entrepreneur desires, this Improve phase concentrates on providing projects within a set period of time and expenditure. This is no different from their labor in guaranteeing that selected tasks are executed appropriately. By utilizing this stage, resources can be saved while still expediting achievement of goals with precision.

Control Phase

Like an entrepreneur who is interested in monitoring the progress of their improvement projects, assessing whether or not these initiatives are meeting expectations is a central component to the Control phase. Taking necessary corrective measures when results do not align with predetermined goals should also be taken into account during this stage – just as any savvy business owner would want to do.

What will you learn?

This Black Belt Training program includes 22 hours of training and 50-course videos. After the successful completion of this course Black Belt students will learn how the Certified Six Sigma Black Belt is a professional who can explain Six Sigma philosophies and principles, including supporting systems and tools. Black belts have a thorough understanding of all aspects of the define, measure, analyze, improve and control (DMAIC) model in accordance with Six Sigma principles.

What are the belts of Six Sigma?

Six Sigma White Belt – Earning a White belt certification is an indication of having the essential fundamentals of Six Sigma firmly ingrained.

Six Sigma Yellow Belt – Achieving Yellow Belt certification ensures that you have gained a thorough comprehension of the fundamentals of Six Sigma, including its applications in the workplace and where to prioritize your time as you continue to learn. As a beginner, it’s important to become acquainted with Lean Six Sigma methodology and basic tools for process improvement.

Six Sigma Green Belt – Green Belt certification concentrates on the intricate analysis and resolution of quality improvement issues. Those with a Green Belt designation will not only lead projects, but also give assistance to those who have obtained Six Sigma Black Belts. If attaining your Green Belt is for you, check out our Green Belt Six Sigma online program.

Six Sigma Black Belt – As a Six Sigma Black Belt, after taking our Six Sigma Black Belt training, you will have the advanced level knowledge and expertise to lead projects and take on the leadership role of manage teams using advanced Six Sigma tools. Certified as an agent of change in your organization, you will be responsible for driving successful project completion by utilizing all that is afforded through the methodologies associated with this philosophy.

Key Term Knowledge Base: Key Terms Related to Six Sigma Black Belt

Understanding key terms in Six Sigma Black Belt is essential for anyone involved in quality management and process improvement. This methodology emphasizes data-driven decision-making and strives for near perfection in business processes. Here, we provide a list of terms that are fundamental to grasping the concepts and techniques used in Six Sigma Black Belt.

Six SigmaA set of techniques and tools for process improvement, aiming to improve quality by identifying and removing the causes of defects.
DMAICStands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control; a data-driven improvement cycle used for improving, optimizing, and stabilizing business processes.
Black BeltA level of Six Sigma certification, typically involving leadership of project teams and mastery of Six Sigma principles.
Lean Six SigmaA methodology that combines lean manufacturing/lean enterprise and Six Sigma to eliminate waste.
DFSS (Design for Six Sigma)A systematic approach to designing products and processes that meet customer needs and can be produced at Six Sigma quality levels.
Process MappingA visual representation of the steps in a process, used to identify areas of improvement.
FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)A step-by-step approach for identifying all possible failures in a design, manufacturing or assembly process.
Control ChartA tool used in Six Sigma to track process performance over time and identify trends or shifts in the process.
SIPOCAn acronym for Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers, used to map processes in Six Sigma.
VOC (Voice of the Customer)A process of capturing customer’s expectations, preferences, and aversions.
Statistical Process Control (SPC)A method of quality control which employs statistical methods to monitor and control a process.
Gemba WalkThe practice of walking the shop floor in Lean and Six Sigma to identify wasteful activities in a real-world context.
KaizenA Japanese term meaning “change for better”; refers to activities that continuously improve all functions.
CTQ (Critical to Quality)Attributes that are most important to the customer; a key concept in Six Sigma.
Value Stream MappingA lean-management method for analyzing the current state and designing a future state for the series of events that take a product or service from its beginning through to the customer.
Muda, Mura, MuriJapanese terms used in Lean Six Sigma for waste (non-value adding activities), unevenness, and overburden, respectively.
Pareto AnalysisA statistical technique in decision-making used for the selection of a limited number of tasks that produce significant overall effect.
5SA workplace organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke (sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain).
BenchmarkingComparing one’s business processes and performance metrics to industry bests or best practices from other companies.
Root Cause AnalysisA method of problem-solving used for identifying the root causes of faults or problems.

This list is not exhaustive but covers the fundamental terms necessary for understanding Six Sigma Black Belt methodology.

Frequently Asked Questions About Six Sigma Black Belt Training

Who should attend Six Sigma Black Belt Training?

Six Sigma Black Belt Training is typically intended for professionals who have completed Six Sigma Green Belt Training and have gained some experience working on Six Sigma projects. It is ideal for individuals who aspire to take on leadership roles and drive significant process improvements within their organization.

What are the key topics covered in Six Sigma Black Belt Training?

The topics covered in Six Sigma Black Belt Training may include advanced statistical analysis, hypothesis testing, design of experiments (DOE), regression analysis, process capability analysis, lean methodologies, project management, change management, and leadership skills.

Are there any prerequisites for attending Six Sigma Black Belt Training?

While the prerequisites can vary, most training providers encourage participants to have completed Six Sigma Green Belt Training and have some practical experience in working on Six Sigma projects. It is also beneficial to have a basic understanding of statistics and quality improvement concepts.

What are the benefits of Six Sigma Black Belt Training?

Six Sigma Black Belt Training offers several benefits, including enhanced problem-solving skills, advanced statistical knowledge, the ability to lead and manage complex improvement projects, improved project management skills, increased credibility within the organization, and potential career advancement opportunities.

How is Six Sigma Black Belt Training different from Green Belt Training?

Six Sigma Black Belt Training builds upon the knowledge gained in Green Belt Training and provides more advanced tools and techniques for process improvement. Black Belt Training focuses on developing leadership and project management skills, while Green Belt Training primarily focuses on applying Six Sigma concepts and tools to specific projects.

Can Six Sigma Black Belt Training be conducted online?

Yes, Six Sigma Black Belt Training is often available in online formats such as this course offered by ITU Online.

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Upon completion of your training, you’ll receive a personalized certificate of completion to help validate to others your new skills.
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Course Outline

Six Sigma Black Belt Course Content

Module 1: Organization­ - Wide Planning and Deployment

  •    Introduction

  •    Wide Planning And Deployment-Part 1

  •    Wide Planning And Deployment-Part 2

  •    Wide Planning And Deployment-Part 3

Module 2: Leadership

  •    Leadership-Part 1

  •    Leadership-Part 2

Module 3: Organizational Process Measures and Management

  •    Organizational Process Measures And Management-Part 1

  •    Organizational Process Measures And Management-Part 2

Module 4: Team Management

  •    Team Management-Part 1

  •    Team Management-Part 2

  •    Team Management-Part 3

  •    Team Management-Part 4

Module 5: Define Phase­ - Overview of the Define Phase and the Voice of the Customer

  •    Overview Of The Define Phase And The Voice Of The Customer-Part 1

  •    Overview Of The Define Phase And The Voice Of The Customer-Part 2

  •    Overview Of The Define Phase And The Voice Of The Customer-Part 3

Module 6: Define Phase - Business Case and Project Charter

  •    Business Case And Project Charter-Part 1

  •    Business Case And Project Charter-Part 2

Module 7: Define Phase­ - Analytical Tools

  •    Analytical Tools

Module 8: Measure Phase­ - Process Analysis and Documentation

  •    Process Analysis And Documentation-Part 1

  •    Process Analysis And Documentation-Part 2

  •    Process Analysis And Documentation-Part 3

Module 9: Measure Phase­ - Data Collection

  •    Data Collection

Module 10: Measure Phase - ­Measurement Systems

  •    Measurement Systems-Part 1

  •    Measurement Systems-Part 2

Module 11: Measure Phase­ - Basic Statistics

  •    Basic Statistics-Part 1

  •    Basic Statistics-Part 2

Module 12: Measure Phase­ - Probability

  •    Probability

Module 13: Measure Phase­ - Process Capability

  •    Process Capability

Module 14: Analyze Phase - Measuring and Modeling Relationships

  •    Measuring And Modeling Relationships

Module 15: Analyze Phase­ - Hypothesis Testing

  •    Hypothesis Testing

Module 16: Analyze Phase­ - FEMA and Additional Analysis Methods

  •    FMEA And Additional Analysis Methods-Part 1

  •    FMEA And Additional Analysis Methods-Part 2

  •    FMEA And Additional Analysis Methods-Part 3

  •    FMEA And Additional Analysis Methods-Part 4

Module 17: Improve Phase­ - Design of Experiments (DOE)

  •    Design Of Experiments-Part 1

  •    Design Of Experiments-Part 2

Module 18: Improve Phase­ - Lean Method

  •    Lean Method-Part 1

  •    Lean Method-Part 2

  •    Lean Method-Part 3

Module 19: Improve Phase -­ Implementation

  •    Implementation

Module 20: Control Phase­ - Statistical Process Control (SPC)

  •    Statistical Process Control

Module 21: Control Phase­ - Other Controls

  •    Other Controls

Module 22: Control Phase­ - Maintain Controls and Sustain Improvements

  •    Maintain Controls And Sustain Improvements

Module 23: DFSS

  •    DFSS

Module 24: Exam Review­ - Prep and Key Concepts

  •    Prep And Key Concepts-Part 1

  •    Prep And Key Concepts-Part 2

  •    Prep And Key Concepts-Part 3

  •    Prep And Key Concepts-Part 4

  •    Prep And Key Concepts-Part 5

  •    Conclusion

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Your Training Instructor

Timothy Guay

Timothy Guay


Six Sigma Black Belt Training

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