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Category: IT Training Online

Take the opportunity to learn more about the information technology industry and articles to aid you in advancing your career.

IT Project Manager

IT Project Manager : The Job Role, Salary & Skills Needed

Introduction: The Architect of IT Success In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the role of an IT Project Manager is more critical than ever. These professionals are the maestros orchestrating the complex symphonies of software development, system deployments, and IT infrastructure upgrades. With a keen understanding of both the

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Introduction to CI/CD: The Backbone of Modern Development

The concepts of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD), CI/CD have become the cornerstone of modern development practices. At its core, CI/CD is a methodological approach that enables software development teams to deliver code changes more frequently and reliably. This practice is not just a luxury but a necessity

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Introduction to DHCP: Unraveling the Dynamics of Network Configuration

In the realm of networking, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) plays a pivotal role in simplifying the management of IP addresses within a network. Understanding what DHCP stands for—Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol—unveils the essence of its functionality: dynamically assigning IP addresses to devices on a network, thus reducing manual

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AWS Load Balancers

Understanding AWS Load Balancers

Introduction Where applications and services are the lifeblood of business operations, the concept of load balancing and understanding AWS Load Balancers has become a cornerstone for ensuring high availability, fault tolerance, and optimal performance. Amazon Web Services (AWS), as a leading cloud service provider, offers several load balancing options to

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Storage Area Network : SAN

Advanced SAN Strategies for IT Professionals and Data Center Managers

Section 1: Understanding SAN Architecture Storage Area Networks (SAN) are integral to managing and accessing large volumes of data in enterprise environments. At the core of a SAN are its components, which include storage devices, SAN switches, host bus adapters (HBAs), and management software. Understanding these components and how they

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blockchain types

Understanding Blockchain Types: Public, Private, and Permissioned

Despite commonality of blockchains, the application of blockchain varies significantly across different blockchain types, namely public, private, and permissioned blockchains. This article delves into the distinctions, benefits, and considerations of each type, offering insights into their optimal use cases and implications for businesses and individuals alike.Blockchain technology, at its core,

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Google Cloud Database Options

Google Cloud Database Options: A Deep Dive

Choosing the right database services is pivotal for leveraging Google Cloud Database Options capabilities effectively. This blog aims to elucidate the key aspects and distinctions among four primary Google Cloud database services: Cloud SQL, Cloud Bigtable, BigQuery, and Cloud Spanner. Understanding these services in relation to traditional cloud storage options

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computer hardware

Computer Hardware : Navigating the Intricacies

Welcome to the first installment of our deep dive into the world of computer hardware. Whether you’re assembling your first PC, upgrading an existing one, or just keen to learn more about the technology you use every day, you’re in the right place. This chapter lays the foundation by exploring

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high availability

Achieving High Availability: Strategies and Considerations

High availability is a critical concept in the world of computing, referring to the ability of a system to remain operational without interruptions. This means no failures, no downtime. Even if individual components of the system fail, the service as a whole continues to run, often recovering so quickly that

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scrum team

The Power of the Scrum Team: Driving Agile Development

In the world of Agile software development, the Scrum team plays a pivotal role, embodying principles and practices that distinguish it from traditional project management approaches. At the heart of Agile Scrum lies the concept of a self-organized team—a group of individuals collectively responsible for delivering the project. This fundamental

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